Find the support you deserve at

Blessed Moon Birth Services

“The whole point of woman-centered birth is the knowledge that a woman is the power source. She may need, and deserve, help, but in essence, she always had, currently has, and will have the power.”

~ Heather McCue

My Philosophy

Every client approaches birth differently. My role as a doula is to listen to you, to honor you, to help you understand your options and your rights, and then hold a supportive space for you, gently, respectfully, to birth your own way.

It's your birth

Knowledge is power. The more you know ahead of time, the better you are able to make the best decisions for you and your baby.

"If I don't know my options, I don't have any" ~ Diana Korte

Birth and Postpartum Services

I offer both Birth and Postpartum Services. Birth services include at least 2 prenatal appointments to go over your needs and how I can best support you.

As your Birth Doula I will also provide constant support throughout labor, birth, and 1-2 hours afterward as well as postpartum visits.

As your Postpartum Doula I will cater my services to you. We can discuss what would best serve your needs in your postpartum period. 

woman, pregnant, female
twins, babies, newborn